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why a miscarriage under 12 weeks

After suffering 3 miscarriages we gave Mrs F from the UK this advice and information about miscarriage and early baby loss in pregnancy under 12 weeks.


Types of miscarriages…

Although ‘miscarriage’ is used as a general term, there are several different types. By feeling

The cervix (the neck of the womb), a doctor can often determine the type and stage of


Threatened miscarriage this is used to describe bleeding in early pregnancy, where the

Cervix is found to be tightly closed. The pregnancy is most likely to continue.

Inevitable miscarriage this describes bleeding in early pregnancy where the cervix is found to

Be open, suggesting that the pregnancy will be lost.

Incomplete miscarriage has definitely started, but there is still some pregnancy

Tissue left in the womb. The cervix is usually found to be open.

Complete miscarriage when the pregnancy has been lost, the womb is now empty and the

Cervix has closed.


What can happen in a late miscarriage?


. Pregnancy loss later than the first trimester is much less common, and the causes may be different to those described

Above. They are more likely to be related to physical problems, for example with the structure

Of the womb, the strength of the cervix holding the weight of the growing pregnancy, or

Problems with the function of placenta. A medical specialist can provide specific advice.

The most common symptom is vaginal bleeding, which can range from light spotting to heavy.

The blood may contain clots or other tissue.

However, vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy does not always signal that a miscarriage has

Taken place, particularly if it is light and only lasts a short time. Prolonged or heavy bleeding,

Like a period or heavier, is more likely to signify a miscarriage.

There can often be cramping, with period-like pains, and back pain. The cramping sensations

Can be rhythmic and very uncomfortable, similar to contractions during labour. There may be

A distinct loss of fluid, particularly if the pregnancy is more advanced. Some women find that

The usual symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea, breast tenderness and fatigue, may stop


Any such symptoms should be reported immediately to a doctor, although once a miscarriage Has started very little can be done to prevent it.

miscarriages at home what happens to baby

causes of a late miscarriage

support for a miscarriage

 Having More than one miscarriage

. Having more than one miscarriage can lead to anxieties that a normal pregnancy

Will never occur. But even after two miscarriages it is statistically unlikely that there is any

Underlying problem, and there should be every chance of a successful pregnancy in the


After three consecutive miscarriages it is advisable to undergo some tests to rule out a

specific cause. Possibilities include a hormonal disturbance, genetic problems, and abnormalities

Of the womb, or immune disorders such as ‘antiphospholipid syndrome’ (also called Hughes


The physical effects of a miscarriage tend to clear up quickly. Any bleeding should cease

Within seven to 10 days, with the next period returning around six weeks later. Sometimes

Infection can make the bleeding last longer or cause a discharge that is itchy, smelly or

Greenish in colour. If this happens, a course of antibiotics can be prescribed to clear it up


When a miscarriage is occurring, there is no magic way to stop it from happening.  Remember that bleeding happens in 60 percent of all pregnancies, but only 10% end in miscarriage. Call your doctor, but think carefully if you want to go to the ER. Quite often you will only be turned away. 

If a miscarriage is indeed happening, by the time you begin bleeding, the baby has almost always already died. This is a frustrating and terrible situation to be in, and when it happens to you, you will initially have no idea that it is so common. Before your research is done, though, you will find that one out of every 10 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and that one in every four women will have one at some point in her reproductive years.


Emotional distress by the loss of a baby.


The emotional effects of miscarriage can be greater. Grief is a normal reaction to miscarriage

And it is normal for it to be intense as that after any other bereavement. Many people describe

A feeling of numbness and emptiness following a miscarriage. Feelings of jealousy and

Sometimes anger towards others is also common.

As with any bereavement, there is no ‘right’ way to deal with the emotional effects of

Miscarriage. Some couples withdraw, feeling alone and isolated, others may wish to talk

About it and find comfort in sharing their experiences, perhaps at a support group. Men and

Women often deal with miscarriage very differently and show their emotions in various ways.


Don't be scared

Some women are scared of their baby. Some worry about what their baby will look like if born sleeping. If you feel scared, don't feel bad, it doesn't mean that you don't love your baby.

Holding your baby

Some women want to hold their baby straight away but some feel they can't. Some worry that they may hurt or damage the baby. How you are feeling is normal so, if you're uncertain, ask your nurse. We doubt you will ever regret holding your baby.